1. Any visitors must be registered before entering InternationalStudents’ House.Dormitory rooms are forbidden to be sublet, transferred or sharedwith any visitors for the night.
2. Inspection on dormitory rooms is to be carried out every week bythe university.
3. Activities that are illegal or against the university regulationsare prohibited.
4. Lodging Agreement must be signed before move-in, or theaccommodation will not be allocated.
5. Full cooperation of each international student is needed for roomallocations. Room offers will not be considered for those rejectingcooperation.
6. Tidiness of rooms and living environments must be guaranteed. Anybehaviors of stacking articles in the corridor or throwing articles out ofwindows or balconies will be regarded as misbehaviors of disobeying universitycodes.
7. Any behaviors of disturbing others by dancing, making loud noisesor loud music, and raising pets in the rooms are forbidden.
8. Any dismantles of public properties, relocation of fire equipmentand fire extinguishers are forbidden. Compensations must be made for man-madedamaged public items.
9. Any electrical items over 300 watts including electrical stovesand electric blankets are prohibited to use in the rooms.
10. Burning articles, smoking and set-off of fireworks orfirecrackers are forbidden in the International Students’ House.
11. Saving energy is encouraged and power should be shut down beforelong-time outdoor activities.
12. Any fire consequences caused by those who disregard of relatedregulations will be borne by themselves.
13. Inform the house’s duty room for any broken facilities. In caseof fire,dial 119 toreport and evacuate immediately following instructions for emergencyevacuation. Dial 120 for any casualty cases.
14. Spending whole nights outside and any late evening return laterthan 23:00 are forbidden. Those who spend whole night outside or report latereturns of three times or above will get punishment of warnings or above.
15. Regulations on accommodation being an important part ofuniversity regulations, any violations will be punished according to behavioralseriousness.