AHUT Student LuXiuzhi won silver in the final of the women's 20 kilometres race walk athletics event at the 2015 IAAF World Championships at the "Bird's Nest" National Stadiumin Beijing on August 28, 2015. Her teammate Liu Hong won gold.
(picture fromhttp://big5.news.cn/gate/big5/news.xinhuanet.com/english/photo/2015-08/28/c_134564887_7.htm)
LuXiuzhi is currently entering her 4thacademic year at Anhui University of Technology.
She is a former Asian record holder in the discipline and won the women’s 20km with an Asian record at the Chinese Race Walk Grand Prix which concluded on May 21, 2015in Beijing and was reported by IAAF(International Association of Athletics Federations).